
Facio&Cañas has put it into practice since its foundation in 1942


Since its establishment in 1942, Facio&Cañas has led the way in implementing sustainable practices within the legal sector in Costa Rica. Our founding partners, dedicated to advancing the country´s social, educational, and political landscape, have instilled this commitment across generations.

We take pride in creating an environment where all employees feel safe, respected, and valued, promoting equal opportunities and inclusion. Since 2022, our Diversity and Inclusion Affairs Commission has implemented policies and programs to foster diversity and inclusion, supported by the signing of the San Jose Declaration. Additionally, we have designated our offices as discrimination- free zones.

Moreover, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality legal services and offering assistance to marginalized communities. We have signed the Pro Bono Declaration of the Americas by the Cyrus R. Vance Center and operate a volunteer and pro bono legal services program.

In terms of environmental initiatives, our firm has developed an environmental management program to reduce our environmental footprint and raise awareness among our staff about environmental issues and how to contribute both collectively and individually 


Our social and environmental footprints

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

As subjects and organization, we assume the task and responsibility of evaluating our social and environmental footprints, compensating them with actions that impact the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. According to these SDGs, at Facio&Cañas we are committed to have a positive impact:

  • SDG6 | Clean Water and Sanitation
  • SDG8 | Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • SDG16 | Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • SDG17 | Partnerships to Achieve the Goals with joint efforts on environmental and social issues

These commitments will be implemented with the resources and capabilities of our firm, with projects and actions to positively impact our stakeholders and civil society in general.

Our Projects

ProMundo Foundation

In support of the ProMundo Foundation and the CHEPE SE BAÑA program, Facio&Cañas conducted volunteer work to assist the homeless population, including clothing donations, snack preparation, and active participation in San José.


PopOp is a non-profit initiative that aids entrepreneurs in the development, promotion, and commercialization of their products and ideas through training and mentoring programs. The firm has been actively involved in protecting their intellectual property, reviewing contractual matters, and providing free legal talks on key legal topics to entrepreneurs.


AMALE is a comprehensive assistance program for children in highly vulnerable conditions, providing support in areas such as nutrition, health, and education. Facio&Cañas actively participates through educational volunteering and food donations.

Puente Educativo

Puente Educativo is a non-profit association that supports teenagers in vulnerable communities through educational spaces to achieve social transformation. The firm currently provides volunteers to aid the association with the teenagers’ English language homework and also conducts informative talks.